All public data in one place

Investigate about organizations, natural persons and more.

Companies that trust panadata

Companies that trust panadata
Start your reasearch

Do it all with Panadata

Gather all the necessary evidence to validate your investigation more quickly, all from a single platform.


Investigate in minutes across different public entities

Search for the company, person's name, or specific data, and you will find all related information and possible matches with sanctions lists.

Investigate in minutes across different public entities
Stay informed ahead of others and save time


Stay informed ahead of others and save time

Keep track of changes and optimize your tracking efforts.


Download documents with a single click

Save time when downloading multiple files from various pages; Panadata makes it easy for you.

Save time when downloading multiple files from various pages; Panadata makes it easy for you.
Generate reports to validate your investigations


Generate reports to validate your investigations

Download information from your investigations to present in records as proof of investigation.

Integrate with Panadata from your own platform

You can use our REST API to request the information you need on-demand directly from your own application or platform.

Contact our experts, and we will get in touch with you.

Contact us for more information You can use our REST API to request the information you need on-demand directly from your own application or platform.


** "nombre": "Menchaca, Murillo y Barajas Asociados",

** "ficha": 155640453,

** "folio": "(MERCANTIL) Folio Nº 155640453",

** "ruc": "155640453-2-2016 DV 38",

** "tipo_organizacion": "SOCIEDAD COMÚN",

** "fecha_registro": "2017-09-21",

** "capital": 10000,

** "status": "VIGENTE",

** "vigencia": "PERPETUA",


** "nombre_comercial": "Menchaca y Murillo",

** "directores": [

**** {

****** "nombre": "Jose Gomez",

****** "cargo": "Tesorero"

**** }

* ]
