
Corporations and Foundations

“Research about companies in Ecuador. This data is extracted from the portal Superintendencia de compañías, valores y seguros”.


Information in this category

Data you will find in Organizations


Registro Mercantil information

General data of the companies such as identification number, registration number and status, type of organization/company, legal representatives, economic activities, among others.


Download documents

Download public deeds and other legal documents related to companies, facilitating access to official information.


Activation of alerts

Automate the monitoring of a company and be aware of its changes.


Compliance reports

Generate compliance reports to evidence your investigations.


CSV export

Download in Excel the data of shareholders, administrators, legal acts, compliance, and other relevant information related to the legal person of your legal entity in Ecuador.

Not familiar with some terms?

In our Help Center you will find a glossary with the terms in this category and their definitions.

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