Updated at 06 Sep 2023

Officers and directors

Organizacion actualizada
General Information
No results found
No results found
No results found

Organizations (1)

Organizations (1)
No results found
Sociedad anonima • Vigente

Changes history

Changes history
No results found

People with similar names (9)

Real estate (0)

Real estate (0) No results found

Movable assets (0)

Movable assets (0) No results found

Brands (0)

Brands (0) No results found

Government payments (0)

Government payments (0) No results found

Public tenders (2)

Public tenders (2)
construcción de cerca de cyclón 159.37 ml y cerca de verja de 38.50 ml en un total de 197.87 ml según informe técnico dia/0612-2016
Publication date: Solo con suscripción
Provider: Solo con suscripción
Price: Solo con suscripción
remodelaciones generales al centro educativo brisas del mar según informe técnico diach/0809-2018
Publication date: Solo con suscripción
Provider: Solo con suscripción
Price: Solo con suscripción

Customs (0)

Customs (0) No results found

Possible matches on the state payroll

Possible matches on the state payroll No results found

Operation permits (0)

Operation permits (0) No results found

Social Security Fund (0)

Social Security Fund (0) No results found

Official Gazette (0)

Official Gazette (0) No results found

News (0)

News (0) No results found